沙子通常被认为是自由垫层材料的“黄金标准”, providing cows with the most comfortable resting surface. 沙子含有很少或根本没有有机物质,这对保持细菌水平低很重要. Dry sand wicks moisture away from resting animals. It helps to clean hooves and provides great traction on the alleys. 当奶牛进出牛栏时,沙子最终会进入粪便中. 这种沙子和肥料的混合物流动性和泵送性都很低,而且研磨性很强. 这些挑战使得标准加工设备难以管理.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全开发了一套完整的砂处理和分离设备生产线,以解决处理含沙粪便的艰巨工作. 已经开发出螺旋钻,将粪便从谷仓转移到加工设施和储存设施. 耐磨泵为稀浆提供泵送解决方案. 粪肥分离设备帮助生产者管理他们的无砂粪肥流出物, 砂粒分离设备可以从粪便中去除很大比例的砂粒. 这种回收的沙子几乎没有有机含量,无法在马厩中重复使用. 剩余的粪便流出物几乎是无砂的,可以进一步处理或泵送到储存地点.

How Sand Separation Systems Work

Once bedding sand becomes mixed with the cow manure in the alleys, the challenge of handling that manure increases substantially. 这种粪便混合物不能再用传统的泵或重力流动. It either has to be pushed into a tank, vacuumed from the alleys and dumped into a tank, conveyed with augers or flumed with water. 砂分离系统的设计通常包括完整的肥料系统, 从从巷子里刮来的粪肥的谷仓开始,到粪肥仓库结束.

系统的合理设计始于对粪便输送系统的仔细分析. Undiluted manure from a scraped alley, which is pushed, augered or vacuumed, is separated with a different system than manure, which is flushed or flumed down the barn. 一旦为奶牛场及其管理需要选择了合适的分选系统, a conceptual layout is proposed. Once a design is agreed upon, 更多的细节被添加到设计中,直到最终的图纸产生. Complete engineered and P.E. stamped drawings are available when necessary.

The McLanahan Sales and Design team works with the dairy producer, other engineering firms, 当地承包商和政府官员设计了一个最适合奶牛场的系统.

Why McLanahan Sand Separation Systems

McLanahan是机械砂粪分离技术的先驱,并继续引领乳品生产商为砂回收和再利用提供经济的解决方案. 他们是第一个提供商用机械分离解决方案的公司. 他们是第一个提供足够高的沙子回收率的公司,沙子流出物可以在消化系统中使用. 他们也是第一个提供脱水和干燥解决方案,以生产干燥和无病原体的沙子.

麦克拉汉设备的设计和制造不仅能在恶劣条件下持续很长时间, abrasive working environments, it is built to be easily serviced with minimal downtime. All machines use a unique combination of wear-resistant metals, 橡胶和聚氨酯位于战略要地,所以它们可以很容易和快速地替换. 许多零件都储存在他们的仓库和经销商在世界各地,以提供最终的售后支持.

McLanahan雇佣了一个由工程师、销售和客户服务人员组成的团队,他们的主要重点是为乳制品行业提供尖端的床上用品解决方案. 这些床上用品解决方案使乳制品生产商能够最大限度地减少床上用品和粪便管理成本,从而最大限度地提高牛奶产量并最终获得利润.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sand Separation Systems

Ask An Expert

是的,我们很乐意坐下来讨论一下在您的乳制品上使用砂石分离系统的投资回报率. To begin with, we would need to know the following:

  1. How much sand do you use per day, week or year?
  2. How much do you pay per yard or per ton for sand?
  3. What is your manure conveyance system?
  4. How much do you pay for electricity?
  5. How much manure would need processed? Or how many cows are in freestalls?

From this and some basic dairy information, 我们可以提出一个初步的设计,并选择正确的设备. Once we have the equipment selected and runtimes established, 我们可以计算操作和维护成本,并估计投资回报率.

这个过程从菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的经销商或直接菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全开始. Click here for a list of dealers and contact information.

要回答这个问题,我们首先需要看看粪便输送系统. If the manure is being delivered undiluted — for example, 如果小巷要么被刮过,要么被抽真空,那么沙巷系统就不是一个可行的选择. 如果粪肥是从巷子里冲出来的,或者是用水槽系统运来的,那么 either option could work. 

是的,在许多奶牛场,沙垫和消化都很成功. 印第安纳州的费尔奥克斯奶牛场(Fair Oaks Dairy)等一些奶牛场在将粪便放入沼气池之前,使用沙子作为垫层和机械砂分离, Central Sands Dairy in Wisconsin, Rosendale Dairy in Wisconsin, Spruce Haven Farm in New York and Green Meadow Farms in Michigan. Herd sizes at these dairies range from 1,800 cows to 14,000 cows.

是的,许多不同类型的沙子被用来做铺垫 some kinds are better than others. If you are considering sand separation, 水洗混凝土砂或泥石砂是高砂回收率和清洁砂的最佳选择. Not sure if your sand will work for sand separation? The graph below shows a typical sand analysis for concrete sand.



Features & Benefits
  • Reduce sand bedding costs
  • 生产出几乎无穷无尽的干净、脱水的层理砂
  • Reduce the environmental footprint of the dairy
  • Reduce the amount of trucks and tankers on the roads and fields
  • Reduce soil compaction by not hauling and spreading sand
  • Equipment designed and built for sand and manure processing
  • Complete system designs
  • Stocked parts and equipment
  • Multiple different system designs are available
  • Multidisciplinary team available for 24/7 support of the system

Need Some Help?

Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.